I did write something for this blog in the morning, and I got busy with another project for the entire day. Now it’s almost 10pm and I have to get on with that project I’ve been working on for the entire day. In short, it seems that I won’t be able to edit a draft post and to post it today. Instead of working on that post I wrote originally, I am going to blurt.
Blurting is important, because if you just blurt and there’s no self-editing involved, there are chances that your blurts turn out to be pieces of gold.
I’m glad I set this 30 day blogging challenge to be a challenge of consistency and quantity rather than quality. Of course, if I could write a top quality post everyday like Seth Godin, that would have been better. But, that’s fine for now. Who knows, Seth might be just blurting whatever comes to his mind and his blurts turn out to be great … every time.
Do you sometimes notice that you self-edit your thoughts, ideas or images? If you do, what do you think about it? To me, it feels much better to get them out of my head anyway and look at them later if needed. I learnt this way of dealing with things from the Artist’s Way. Or, to be precise, I finally put that knowledge about this method into action by working on what’s called the morning pages. I’ve been writing 3 pages every morning since the last December. The Artist’s Way is a great book and I highly recommend it.
OK, I think that’s enough blurting for now!