I train hard to be a better grappler, and there will be a day when I die. Why should I bother training hard when I die someday? It’s not just about training to be a better grappler, but about anything I do; why should I do what I do or what I want to do when I die someday?
After a few moments of thinking, what comes to my mind is this: I gotta live before dying and I want to live my life this way.
About living before dying. I’m alive in a biological sense, but being alive in a biological sense doesn’t mean living a life in a significant way. What I mean by living before dying here is to live a meaningful life. What does it mean to live a meaningful life? That’s what I’ve been thinking about these days. It seems to me that a good mixture of personal achievements and non-personal achievements constitutes a meaningful life.
Becoming a better grappler is a personal achievement, and perhaps it doesn’t make my life that meaningful when I consider how this project would influence other people, except those who I collaborate with to improve each other. In any case, though, it does give me a meaning to live my life the way I live it.
Even though what I learn through this journey in becoming a better grappler will not come with me when I die, I believe that experiences I get from training will make my life more interesting for me to live.
My experiences as experienced by me are unique to myself and no one else has access to them. Now, whether that makes my life meaningful or not is unclear, but it gives me a motivation to do what I do or what I want to do; I get to have experiences no one else has ever experienced.
OK, so, why should I do what I do or what I want to do when I die someday?
I’m not even scratching the surface in this post. In the mean time I get deeper and deeper, I’ll leave you with a rhetorical answer.
Why not?