Blue, orange, red, dark blue, and black (Day 8)

The sunset was amazing here today. This photo taken with iPhone [*Too bad, when I migrated this blog into another directory, the picture mentioned here got lost!] doesn’t represent the actual sunset I saw with my eyes, but it does serve as a sketch of what I saw.

The thought I had from seeing this sunset was pretty simple. Blue turned into orange, then orange turned into red, and then it will turn into dark blue and then black. That’s exactly what I was thinking, and this thought made me nostalgic somehow. Changes of colour. I have no idea what that implies, but the sunset lets me enjoy nostalgic feelings anyway.

I’m glad I was open to this experience. Of course, this beautiful sunset would catch my attention anytime. But then, being able to notice things like this is a good indication that I can stop to experience things around me. I’ll keep myself open towards these beautiful moments, small or big.

If you’re constantly looking for and aware of such moments, they’ll come to you.

Review: Hipstamatic

I’ve been using this iPhone app called Hipstamatic and I like it. This application turns your iPhone into a toy camera like SMENA 8M or Holga.

Here’s why I like Hipstamatic.

  • Images you can create with Hipstamatic have nostalgic feelings. If you like photos taken with a toy camera, you’ll love it. I like such dreamy and nostalgic images; so, I love what Hipstamatic allows me to create.
  • There are various options for lens, film, and flash. Within the software, you can change your Hipstamatic camera’s lens, film and flash. In addition to the default set, there are extra sets you can buy for a dollar respectively. That’s a bargain.
  • I haven’t had any need to edit the images I took. Some people might feel editing their photos, but I don’t. I’m quite happy with how Hipstamatic ‘prints’ photos. So, if I want to share my Hipstamatic photos with my friends, all I need to do is to upload these photos to Facebook or Twitter straight from my iPhone. Compared to a real camera, it’s handy and takes no space apart from some disk space on your iPhone. For people who don’t like carrying many gears in a bag, this is good news.
  • If you are a serious photographer who needs to carry a lot of equipments, I believe Hipstamatic won’t meet your needs. But for those who just want to have fun by taking daily snapshots, Hipstamatic is a great toy.
  • We must not forget, also, that the application itself is super cheap. I got it for 230 yen – it depends on your default currency, but I believe its original price in US dollar is like two or three dollars. Even with all the additional packs, it’s less than ten dollars.

To see photos taken with Hipstamatic, see here!